About Us


Glisten Smiles was born as a result of years of suffering and insecurity. I was always a very confident person, or at least I thought I was. Confidence is defined as "a feeling of self-assurance arising from an appreciation of one's own qualities". How could I call myself confident when I had one major insecurity? My stained yellow teeth! I would never smile with my teeth in photos and I had taught myself to speak showing as little of my teeth as possible, often slurring my words. This started to become a problem. I learned that suppressing my insecurities to appear confident was a lifestyle that I could not sustain.

I have always hated going to the dentist and paying an 'arm and a leg' for teeth whitening that would only last a few days. Being a medical professional, I believed that visiting the dentist was the only way to have my teeth whitened and the mixed reviews I had heard about at-home teeth whitening kits had me convinced that they don't work.

In the health industry we are taught to base our practice on research and literature so that all of our principles are evidence based and proven. I took this same approach to teeth whitening and began to research how it worked. To my surprise, there was plenty of evidence to support some methods of teeth whitening. I couldn't believe that I had been living all these years with a big secret when the answer was so simple.

Why wasn't there a teeth whitening company which made this clear to its customers?

I believed that I surely wasn't alone in my search for pearly white confidence... And GLISTEN Smiles was born.